A fine tradition of Academic Excellence

Students are our favorite subject! With dedicated faculty and staff to guide them every step of the way, we seek excellence in teaching, learning, and achieving.


Deeper Dive

Principal's Post


Our innovative curriculum supports the evolving needs of today's students while reinforcing the treasured Core Values that have formed our rich legacy for generations."

- Ms. Theresa Napoli, Principal

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Student Spotlight

The Ursuline School is one of only 237 schools in the U.S. to receive this distinction.

Discover our innovative programs in emerging areas

Financial Literacy

Global Education

Science Research


Million in college scholarships over 5 years


Average class size


Faculty with advanced degrees


Student-teacher ratio

Distinctly Ursuline







Ursuline is a great choice for me because of the academics and the wonderful girls I've met here. It's a manageable workload and everyone wants the best for me. It's a great feeling!"

- Mary Claire '26