Grace Irving '26 explores the intersection of faith and wellness among teens.
A fine tradition of Academic Excellence
Students are our favorite subject! With dedicated faculty and staff to guide them every step of the way, we seek excellence in teaching, learning, and achieving.
Deeper Dive
Eight talented artists recognized for exceptional work.
Learn how Ursuline pairs Bloomberg terminals with robust course offerings and marketable skills. Then listen as our students talk about its impact in their own words.
Discover how 'Hangman' in the iHub opens doors for future computer scientists.
Clever curriculum empowers students to become educated advocates for ocean conservation.
Principal's Post
Principal Napoli explains how our Koalas can develop a winning spirit by drawing from the Ursuline charism.
Principal Napoli explains how students can embody our school mission by serving others.
Ms. Napoli shares her top 4 New Year's Resolutions for Ursuline students.
Principal Napoli tells how changes will benefit students at every grade level.
Ms. Napoli shares insights on three powerful women of faith and tells how they can draw us closer to Jesus by Christmas.
Our innovative curriculum supports the evolving needs of today's students while reinforcing the treasured Core Values that have formed our rich legacy for generations."
- Ms. Theresa Napoli, Principal
Click HERE to read more about how Catholic schools outperform the competition.
Student Spotlight
Science research stand-out recognized for original research to improve outcomes for heart failure patients.
The Ursuline School is one of only 237 schools in the U.S. to receive this distinction.
Discover our innovative programs in emerging areas
Financial Literacy
Global Education
Science Research
Million in college scholarships over 5 years
Average class size
Faculty with advanced degrees
Student-teacher ratio
Distinctly Ursuline
Ursuline opens doors and creates lasting bonds beyond our school community as students learn that the world's challenges are shared issues and concerns.
We prepare our students to meet the increasing demands of higher education and the workforce by offering a number of unique programs and experiences to cultivate practical, marketable skills in emerging areas.
Our distinctive Personal Development program, the first of its kind in the area, is instrumental in helping Ursuline students reach their full potential.