Inviting all Ursuline students, families, alumnae, current and former faculty and staff, and trustees to join us for the Ursuline Community Service Day & Mass on April 20, 2024. We will have a variety of service activities for everyone to partake in followed by a Community Mass to which all are welcome! Come join us as we gather to celebrate our community and honor the Ursuline Order foundress, Saint Angela!
One project is sorting donated clothes for delivery to The Sharing Shelf in Port Chester, NY. Another project is painting ceramic bowls, which will be supplemented with boxes of pasta and donated to HOPE Community Services.
Current students can sign up on x2VOL.
All other community members can RSVP by filling out the information below.
Saturday, April 20
1:00 - 3:00pm Ursuline Community on-site service activities
3:00 - 4:00pm Community Mass